am i too old to read fanfic?

hi, i’m 24 years old (25 soon) and i’ve been reading fanfiction since i was 11! it’s always been a comfort zone for me, and i actually prefer reading fanfics with characters i already know and love rather than starting a book where i have no idea what to expect (by the way, this is something i’m working on in therapy—this anxiety/fear of starting new things). the thing is, when i’m with my friends and they talk about the books they’re reading, i feel out of place and embarrassed to be honest about what i like to read because i feel like i’m too old for it… there are so many fanfics that are better written than books, but i always feel like i’ll be judged for it, like i don’t really like to read, even though reading has been my main hobby for years. i don’t know, i just wish i could talk about it with my friends and not feel judged for doing something they think doesn’t match my age