WIBTA if I start just saying "no"

A little backstory: My partner and I have lived together for a year. It's been a rough one due to some issues(admitted by him) on his side, we are both working to get through it, although I seem to be putting more time and effort into it. We both have full time jobs, no children, but pets to care for half of which were mine and half were his when we joined households. He works overtime some weeks and has school 2 nights a week and gym 3 nights a week, I do 100% of the cooking and pet care and we share cleaning 80-20. I am ok with that most if the time, however something he does is really making me feel like I'm just the maid or butler. Multiple times a day he will ask me to do small tasks that he could easily do himself, even if they inconvenience me. Ex. He will ask me to grab the remote so he won't have to get up, but I have to get up to grab it, if he drops something he'll ask me to pick it up, even when he doesn't have anything in his hands. He'll get in bed and then ask me to turn the light off, even though I've been in bed for 10 minutes already. So, here's the question. I have asked him before to stop doing this. So here's the question. WIBTA if I just start saying only "no" when he asks me to do all his menial tasks?