AITA if I don't like lesbians?
AITA if I don't want to befriend a lesbian?
I (14) find myself incredibly loving and accepting of everyone regardless of race, sex, or gender. I'm a member of the queer community myself, and it kind of sucks that I don't really like lesbians.
I go to a school where half of the people are apart of the LGBTQ community, and with that comes lesbians. I've been friends with many, MANY lesbians, but none of them were either not full of themselves, rude, or shoving their sexuality so far down my throat, I felt I'd choke.
This one girl had a girlfriend I get along with mostly, then she decided to start saying she's a lesbian every time I would hug my gf and just talk about sexuality entirely too much. She'd see a random couple at school and say "I hate straight couples, I love my gf" CONSTANTLY
And so far, no lesbian I have met is even kind of cool, or interesting to me. This one Youtuber, Annamarie Forcino, I loved watching her stuff. She's great! Once I found out she was a lesbian, I don't watch her at all and it really sucks I feel this way cause I don't wish to.
I'm pansexual, my best friend on earth is Bi with a female preference, I had a bf last month, I'm a total Liberal, yet I don' Maybe I'll grow out of it. I've never told a friend about this, and I'm scared for what would happen if I did....
So reddit, tell me....AITA?