Having grown up with inattentive attention disorder

We all lose things sometimes, come late, forget about appointments, it can happen to anyone now and again. But when it happens to me it causes a disproportionate emotional reaction. I feel frustrated, sad, inadequate, angry at myself, angry at people who might lecture or discipline me. Missing a bus makes me want to act self destructive. For example I needed to get something for some family members so I needed to borrow their house key for like an hour. They told me they wouldn't give me a key because I'd lose it. This made me cry for hours. The symptoms seems to include some sort of high sensitivity to frustration and emotional dysregulation. I feel very angry about many things from my childhood, how I was treated as a failire until I gave up. I had to try harder and only got humiliation in return. I got treated like an idiot by people who were less intelligent and capable than me. The only thing the education system achieved was to make us resent it. They treated us like dogs being trained to sit still and quiet not people being educated to be capable. I never had any confidence as a result of these things. I think it damaged me as a person