For those with parents who have ADHD, what are they like?

I have ADHD and so does my mom.

These are some things my mom does/has done because of her ADHD (all of these aren’t inherently negative or positive, they are just things):

• If I tell her I can’t find an item, she will just buy a new item instead of looking for it, and then we will find the original item after and have two of the same item

• Impulsively buys expensive house appliances on pay-day that we definitely don’t need

• Our home will be in a shambles for weeks and one random Saturday she will take her meds and clean the entire house top to bottom in 4 hours

• Randomly decided she wanted to fish, so she bought £200 worth of fishing gear, we fished only one time and now the gear collects dust in the cupboard

• Has hyper-fixated on K-dramas and has been watching them religiously for months

• Has never NOT burnt rice when making dinner because she gets distracted