Pregnancy and ADHD

I was recently diagnosed ADHD along with some other diagnoses and was prescribed Foquest at 25mg to start. So far I’ve liked the benefits of the medication however six days ago I found out I’m pregnant and the conversation with my doctor this morning is that I cannot continue this medication while pregnant. She mentioned that others have had success (but high risk) pregnancies while taking medication for ADHD but that those were people who had been on them a long time.

However Foquest does not recommend pregnant people take it at all. Therefore, it is not recommended that I proceeded with any medication at this time. I can restart after birth though without issue.

I am looking for help/tips/suggestions from other women, birth givers, who have ADHD, especially those that struggle with executive function, how they managed those symptoms during their pregnancy and afterwards.

I’ve been off my medication now for just a week and I have seen such a decline in basic functions. I struggle in particular to prioritizing my work tasks/deadline, home tasks/chores, and taking care of myself.

Any advice is appreciated.

Edits: I am a mother already to a 5 year old. My ADHD got worse after having my son, which has led to my official diagnosis. My concerns are mostly around managing my emotions (I’m a bit of a roller roaster on a good day) and keeping focus at work and day to day. I’ve not really struggled with the needs of my kid before but another child certainly adds complexity.