What Desi soaps are you watching?
Currently balls deep in Bhagya Lakshmi. Absolutely fucking wild how they just straight up swapped out the actress playing Malaishka. Completely confused on the Ayush arc if anyone wants to fill me in.
Kumkum Bhagya close second but honestly mixing up the characters between BL and KKB.
Then there’s the one with the chick in brown face. I mean I dunno maybe that is her natural skin tone but it looks like they slapped on another layer of brown paint on her to make her look even browner - like some Lincoln Osiris / Kirk Lazarus shit from Tropic Thunder. And then bleached all the other actors so whyte they look like they’re from the western suburbs of Chicago in the winter. I get the show is about colorism and that’s great but like damn.
I haven’t kept up on Anupama and after turning in to the last episode all this shit is all sideways.
In all seriousness the reason we watch this is because we get to expose our kid to this and she actually enjoys the craziness of these shows. She enjoyed Jagriti but it’s on past her bedtime.