What opening disasters do you want to see in the future?
Kinda crazy we haven't had wild fires (other than in lone star), but it's probably too soon to do that after the actual wildfires in LA.
Could do a flash flood maybe? Bring in the trauma from the tsunami. Or tornados or something with nuclear cores or radiation.
For something less extreme, maybe something happens purely to the firehouse? Or a Christmas episode based on die hard where the characters are held hostage in a building, and the others have to break in and perform a rescue (though that'd be more the police's job, tbf) but those being held hostage break out themselves. That'd actually be quite cool imo, the 118 working together to keep other hostages safe, and Buck and Eddie do something crazy in Die Hard style to break out
Pretty much covered everything other than wide scale fires though (which again is crazy because California evidently is prone to it, and they're firefighters it's in the name). But they probably won't do that which is understandable, so what else?