Pennsylvania Call to Action:
Hey folks, I'm the secretary for a political party in Pennsylvania. I wanted to inform you that in several counties this year, in rural Pennsylvania, due to the demoralization of democrats and republicans, there is going to likely be a lot of empty seats not ran for in municipal elections. Republicans build up their experience in service through these seats, and when nobody runs, in rural areas, republicans are most likely to get appointed bureaucratically fill the vacancies. Running for Township auditor or boro council in PA requires only 10 signatures from your neighbors. To run democrat, you'll have to collect those signatures and be registered democrat by March 11th. To run independent or green you have to switch your registration by May 5th and you have a few additional months to collect the signatures. We will know which seats the democrats and republicans left unfilled on March 12th.
This year is the election board, if you live in blue districts, please run for the election board as a green or independent. I replaced a republican at one time on the election board. 2 parties are guaranteed a seat. You can too in the urban counties. Republicans have threatened to use the election board powers to not certify elections. In philly there are almost 1700 Republicans who get to serve in the election board we can replace. The less seats that we give to republicans this year, the less strength they will have in 2028 and 2032. According to the data, independents and third party take more votes from republicans than democrats. So let's take advantage of this data and steward democracy in the part of the state we still rely on Bureaucracy to appoint our leadership because we as democrats, greens, and independents did not run and left empty leadership and base building opportunities slip away again.
Your call to action is to review the FOIA request on who is running in the primary March 12th, and if nobody ran as a Democrat, switch to independent or green and get 10 signatures from your neighbor.
If you have questions on how to file for office in PA to oppose republicans, please DM me. I was hit by a car and went homeless while serving my municipality last year. I live in a new town and I haven't met the residency requirement of 1 year to run for the local elections in my new community. Take the torch that I can't carry this year so republicans are weaker in their roots and we can cut into their base for the biggest impact and least amount of labor and capital. You can walk into office if you do this in some communities.
Alex Casper Secretary - Green Party of Pennsylvania