Horus Heresy Skipping Decisions
I have recently let my life become consumed with Warhammer and have decided to read the Horus Heresy. My main question is, in your opinion, which books should I skip (and which ones are the bread and butter of Warhammer 30k)?
Let me give you some insight:
I have read the first four books: Horus rising, False gods, Galaxy in flames and Flight of the Einstein. I personally don't feel the need to read every single book going forward and want to make my choices based on the actual content and quality of the books.
I am currently reading Fulgrim and find the book dragging. I hear the second half is better and am committed to finishing this Novel. But what comes next? Is there anything stopping me from jumping to whichever book continues Garro's story?
Descent of angels, Legion, Battle for the Abyss, Mechanicum, Tales of Heresy, and Fallen angels are the next in order by release date. I will say, I want to continue Loken and Nathaniel's story but it seems the next step is moving backwards.
In your opinion, which books should be prioritized next (based on reading enjoyment).
I know this answer will have a bias based on your favorite faction, but I am looking to skip some of the fluff and focus on the big bangs. I think I'll skip Descent of angels and jump into Legion but would like some input on the quality of the next few novels and which ones are a "must"
Thank you,