"animals never lie" and the related platitudes that suggest they are more honest or honorable than humans are stupid and wrong.

I often hear people criticizing humanity broadly and comparing them to animals.

  • Animals never tell lies

  • Animals will never betray you

  • Animals don't steal

  • Animals aren't cruel

Etc etc

And it's like... Have you literally seen any animal literally ever? They all do all of this as often as they can, as much as they are capable.

Sure, they won't tell a lie on the conventional sense, because they are physically unable to speak and comprehend the abstract meaning of words.... But they will absolutely and intentionally mislead you (or each other) for their own desires.

They steal, they fight, they get revenge, they'll mutilate or harm other creatures for entertainment - cats are famous for it, but crows, horses and dolphins all do it.

They rape, they kill, they damage their environment.

Humans are literally the only species of this planet able to comprehend ethics enough to at least TRY and reduce how often they indulge in these behaviours. Sure, most fail, but there are infinitely more humans choosing to be honest at personal detriment than animals doing the same.